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I like to keep things simple so I usually package ideas around three key points. It all started when I was taught that there are three steps to getting things done:
- Prepare to do the job.
- Do it.
- Then clean up when you're done.
Did this give me all the details I needed to do the job? No. But it did provide some clear steps to guide me. And that's what I see as my mission with this blog.
I like to provide some simple steps to help you move in the right direction. Of course there'll be some gaps between the steps, but that's OK. They'll get filled as you apply what you're learning and gain more experience.
For this week's post I decided to review all of the posts where I provided three steps to do something. You'll find them below with a summary (and of course loosely organized in three groups).
General Thoughts on Rapid E-Learning
- 3 Things You Can Only Learn from a Real E-Learning Expert: Learn to work with subject matter experts and the tech-savvy millennials; and get a definitive explanation of how to finally spell
e-learningeLearningelearningleearning. - Three Things I Learned About Learning on My Deathbed: Motivated learners will learn. It's all a matter of being prepared to try.
- Three Practical Ideas for Using Twitter in E-Learning: Social media tools are all the rage, but what's their role in elearning?
- 3 Creative Ways to Empower Your Learners: Want your learners to learn? Give them something to do.
- 3 More Free Tools to Help Build Better E-Learning Courses: We're all on a budget. Here are three free applications that may help you build elearning courses.
- Three Sure-Fire Tips to Build Better E-Learning Courses: Here's an overview of some key decisions we made pulling together a rapid elearning course in just a few days.
- Save Time with These 3 Rapid E-Learning Tips: You'll only save time and make your job easier with these three PowerPoint elearning tips.
- Three Time-Saving Rapid E-Learning Tips: Three more production tips that will save you time. You can also download a PowerPoint template.
- 3 Simple Ways to Measure the Success of Your E-Learning: Everyone's yacking about ROI, but here are three practical tips to wow your boss and co-workers.
Instructional Design
- These 3 Tips Can Change Your Compliance E-Learning Forever: Compliance training's probably one of those things that will make eyes roll. But these tips can help you overcome that challenge.
- The 3 Essential Questions Every Learner Wants Answered: Are you wasting your learner's time? Answers to these three questions may help you avoid that.
- 3 Proven Techniques to Add Creativity to Your E-Learning Courses: Here are some ideas to engage and motivate those who take your elearning courses.
- 3 Things to Consider When Building Your E-Learning Courses: Instructional design should be intentional. What are you doing to build the best courses possible?
- 3 Ways to Define Interactive Rapid E-Learning: Are your courses engaging and interactive? It's not as hard as you may think.
- 3 Graphic Design Principles for Instructional Design Success: Instructional design involves creating flow and movement through the course content. Here are some tips to learn how.
- 3 Simple Techniques to Guide Your Learner's Attention: You can capture your learner's attention with these three ideas. How's that for an explanation?
Graphics & Course Design
- Build Branched E-Learning Scenarios in Three Simple Steps: Interactive elearning starts with providing the learner a challenge. And then offer some choices that produce consequences.
- 3 Simple Steps to Create Background Images for Your Next E-Learning Scenario: So you're ready to build your first interactive scenario, but you're not quite sure what it should look like. Learn to create the backgrounds for your elearning courses.
- 3 Brainstorm Ideas for Your Next E-Learning Course: Stuck on what to do with your next course. Here are three ideas to help you get started.
- 3 Ways to Build Remarkable E-Learning: Are your courses something people are talking about? These ideas will help you build courses that are noteworthy.
- 3 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Your E-Learning Graphics Sizzle: Simple tips to turn your basic graphics into something more dynamic.
- 3 Easy Ways to Create Silhouette Characters: Stuck with clip art and boring pictures? Get more life out of your graphic assets by converting them to silhouettes.
- 3 Simple Ways to Find the Resources You Need to Build E-Learning Courses: Here's a list of resources that are free and easy to find.
So there you have it. Seventy rapid elearning tips that will help you get started, save time, and find the resources you need to build better elearning.
Just added the info for the free jam session in Atlanta on August 17. Click here for details. This one has a sign up list so that I know how many will attend. I'm also working on a jam session while I'm in Charlotte on December 8. Still working on the details, but if you're interested in attending let me know.
Here's a list of upcoming conferences and presentations:
- August 3-4: Madison, WI–Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning. I'll be working the Articulate booth.
- August 16: Atlanta, GA—ASTD: I'll be doing two sessions, a pre-conference workshop on elearning (3 hours) and the other on elearning graphics. $149 for the workshop and the conference seems to be a fair price. I'm bringing my "A" game and some new jokes. Click here for details. Also doing a free jam session on the 17th.
- September 15: Lincoln, NE (ASTD)—Become a Rapid E-Learning Pro. $80 for an all day workshop is a good value and worth the trip if you're close to Nebraska. I'm also doing a free Articulate jam session while in town.
- October 16-19: Las Vegas, NV (CUNA)—Experience Learning Live! I'll be presenting on building communities and how to build elearning courses with limited resources.
- October 25: Baton Rouge, LA (ASTD)—Webinar. Details to follow.
- November 1: Las Vegas, NV (Elearning Guild)—Devlearn. Doing a pre-conference workshop and presentation at the conference.
- November 12: Los Angeles, CA (ISPI)—Articulate Workshop. Details to follow.
- November 14: Minneapolis, MN (ASTD)—Articulate Workshop: Build Interactive E-Learning…Rapidly. Click here for updates.
- December 8: Charlotte, NC (ASTD)—Rapid E-Learning Design. I'll also be doing a free Articulate jam session while in town. If you want to attend let me know and I'll send the details as I get them.
2012 is just around the corner. If you're interested in having me present, now's a good time to connect with me since my schedule fills quickly.
Download your free 46-page ebook: The Insider's Guide to Becoming a Rapid E-Learning Pro
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